Healthy Berries
In botany, a berry is classed as a small pulpy fruit in which the entire outer walls ripen into a soft flesh, with seeds embedded in this outer layer. This includes tomatoes, grapes and avocados. These berries are sometimes referred to as ‘true berries’.
In common parlance though this definition has been stretched to refer to any small, edible fruit with multiple seeds. In that way, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries are now commonly regarded as belonging to the berry family.
There are therefore a huge breadth of berry flavours that brands could explore, with at least 52 common varieties alone. This provides huge scope for innovation in multitude application.
Thanks to their healthy image berries has been enhancing functional food products. Over the past three years we have seen an increased in the new launch which includes various berries profile. The most common application using berries are yogurt, ice cream, snacks and hard boiled candy, beverage and bakery.
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